Sunday, 29 March 2015

The simple things....

Every now and again I think we all need to STOP, REALISE and APPRECIATE what we are grateful for in our everyday lives.
 The hectic lifestyles that many of us live these days can see us on a constant merry-go-round of filling every single minute of every single day with something happening until we crash into bed at night, only to repeat the whole process again the next day. I do  realise that depending on your life situation that you cannot always slow down and stop as much as you would like.
For over 23 years I not only helped on the farm, raised four children but also worked off farm as a primary school teacher. I was a taxi and supporter to my children and their many interests and tried to spend as much time as possible with family and friends. I worked, taught, did teaching courses, cooked, shopped, washed, cleaned, maintained yards, painted rooms and so on and so on. Any family events or holidays were organised by me. I never stopped until I fell into bed totally exhausted every night. Whilst DH Farmer and the children did help at times I still undertook the bulk of the work inside the home. It wasn't until several major family traumas happened that the wheels finally fell off my cart. I stopped teaching 10 years ago not so much from choice but from burn out. I thought that I was invincible and could keep going whatever was expected from me. I am not blaming anyone except myself for this BUT I did learn a very big lesson about myself and life in general.
So I have learnt to slow down. I have learnt to be kind to myself. I have learnt to step back and try not to let life's stresses and pressures overwhelm me any more. It is not always easy but it is necessary. Sometimes I step back and let others be in control. Sometimes I forget to do these things and I realise that I need to slow down again.
 I have learnt that the simple things are the things that make me happiest and are the most important. 
Family.... playing and laughing with my grand daughter, phone calls and visits with my children and families.
Friends.....chats, visits, laughter.
The farm.......
Simple food.....growing and eating our own food.
A cup of tea.....
Quilting....and more quilting and all that goes with it.
Gardening...the occasional flower in my garden!
Sitting on my front verandah in the evening with DH Farmer enjoying the farm view and talking.....

What simple things make you happiest and keeps you grounded?

Until next time...

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