Sunday, 22 February 2015

Safe food in our country - solution "Buy Australian".

Being producers of milk and beef we were very interested in the unfolding of the recent frozen raspberry hepatitis A situation in Australia. As producers of food in this country we are under very strict regulations enforced by our state government through Safe Foods NSW. We are required to fill out a National Vendor Declaration form (like a statutory declaration) every time we sell cattle either through the sale yards or directly to the abattoirs declaring that the cattle are chemical, antibiotic and growth hormone free and free of several other products which have withholding periods. We, the producer, are responsible to be honest and are held accountable if we are not.
Similarly, we have a contract with our milk processor to supply milk free of chemicals, antibiotics and of a high quality regarding milk fats and proteins. We also have to pass a Safe Food NSW audit on many aspects of our milk production and pay a licence fee every year to be a registered dairy farm in NSW. All this ensures that the consumer in our country can be sure that they are purchasing safe and secure food when they buy Australian beef and Australian milk products.
 It is obvious the same cannot be said for some of the food product which is being imported and sold in our country. All of this food security for you, the consumer, costs us, the producer, a lot of money to ensure that these regulations and standards are met with the products we produce. This is why Australian food products often cost more than the imported food product. Sometimes we, the consumers, have to pay more for not only quality but for food consumer safety in this country. Isn't it sometimes worth paying a little more for your food to know that you and your families health is not being put at risk?
 My questions are simply these.  Why can food from overseas countries be sold cheaply and at the expense of Australian produced products when many obviously are not tested and cleared safe to Australian standards for human consumption in our country?  Who is going to be held accountable for and pay the cost of this latest health scare? What are our government regulations and laws on the testing of all imported food into our country? If we, the Australian food producer, have to follow strict safety and health laws in producing food in Australia, shouldn't other countries have to pass and follow the same level of regulations and standards before their food is allowed to be imported into our country for human consumption?
I have a simple solution to the problem - buy Australian, buy local and as often as possible buy fresh! Support your Australian food products as much as possible.
 I am well aware that there are fewer and fewer Australian food products in our supermarkets and shops - the reason being that consumers have been sucked into believing that cheap is best regardless of where that food has come from. I am also well aware that food labelling is a huge area of confusion when making your choice. Buy Australian Made and Produced!
This sounds like a rant and I guess it is - but this is one of my pet peeves. Buy Australian food and support our country and its agricultural sector as much as possible! There will be no agriculture and Australian produced food in the future unless we all do.

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